FUCK CITY!!!!!!!

FUCK CITY is an Albany punk zine. Each issue contains dank collage art, interviews with local bands, photos of shows, practical guides on important stuff and more cool shit. Made by Error, Young Frankenstein and The Hidden Cowboy, with a variety of contributors, all three of us are extremely gay and extremely transgender and if you have a problem with it you will be sent directly to Hell

*** fair warning this zine contains nsfw images (except #3) ***

Issue 1, March 2023

Printing version
Issue 2, May 2023

Printing version
Issue 3, Sept. 2023
Ben Rowe memorial issue

Read | Print
Issue 4, November 2023

Printing version
Issue 5, February 2024

Printing version
Issue 6, April 2024

Printing version

Share this zine as much as you want, wherever you want, as long as it's not for commercial purposes!* Download and share it! Print copies and bring them to shows and events! Fling it at people's heads! Cram it into your neighbor's mailbox! Airdrop it into a deadly warzone! Do whatever you want we can't stop you we're not the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Website made by Error. this zine does not have a social media page because social media brings pain and suffering. if you want to contact us you can email us tho :)
*If you want legalese: This zine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License